
Selected shorts. 

A Welcome and a Warning

I have obtained clearance from the Narrator to release his story to social media. However, he wanted me to pass along a welcome and a warning:


Welcome. If you found this message via Instagram or some other form of social media, I am grateful you have chosen to follow the revolution. You may not have read Canon I yet. That is fine. You are dipping your toe in the revolutionary water. If you know anything about the way my own people have treated me, it is no surprise to me you would want to be careful. I sincerely thank you for getting this far. The Barista Choice Society has a rich history of making specialty coffee available for all and protecting the farmers, harvesters, and baristas who believe in fairness and liberty. I believe you will enjoy reading about the society’s heroes. I want to hear what you think. I want to hear who you love, who you detest, and whether you are anticipating reading Canon II as much as I am writing it. Believe me, I am safely settled somewhere I can write. At least for now, I believe I have the sort of leverage I need to stay alive a little longer.

Warning. Before my friends and foes fought to bring down a previous iteration of Canon I, I warned you not to read it. I called the book lit dynamite, potentially burning anyone who got near it. I have since seen a better way. The Journalist and other close associates told me that some risks are worth taking for all. They helped me understand that my role is to tell the story, not filter who reads it. I should abide by my own message and not act in the same manner as my own people who have hidden this story for ages. So, I would be honored if you would find and read Canon I: The Definitive History of the Barista Choice Society. It would thrill me to know you have glimpsed liberty for all. But I cannot help but give you this word of warning: by reading, you are part of the revolution, whether you like it or not. There will come a time when you must use your voice to stand with me. And I look forward to seeing you by my side demanding liberty for all.

As the night of secrecy fades into the dawn of truth, the red sky warns of an oncoming storm. The winds of change make violent waves for complacent ships. Point your sails toward favorable winds and make sure your anchor is secured on the hopeful promise of freedom. Thank you for following this journey.

You have been welcomed. You have been warned.


The Narrator

ShortsGary BuffaloeComment