
Selected shorts. 

The Narrator is Back

We have confirmation. The Narrator lives. He writes from relative safety and will be releasing updates to Canon I through the winter and intends to send us the manuscript for Canon II by spring.

His latest note:

"There are few causes for which a man should be willing to die. Even fewer, if he has a family at home, who depends on him for love and safety security. Men have died for causes that were by no means worth their lives. The ground on which I stand took the lives of tens of thousands of men for a cause that pitted brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend. Some of those men spilled their blood for a cause in which they thought they believed. Some of those men wanted nothing more than to be held by their mothers one last time before they entered eternity, but alas they died cold and alone.

Was their cause worth dying for? On either side of the battle lines, one might say yes, while another says no. Each would say their cause was freedom, but neither side truly believed in freedom for all. To believe in liberty is to fight for the one who is least free. All it takes is courage to fight for your own freedom. To fight for your neighbor, when you yourself might become a slave in the process, requires character which is not present in most.

They would kill me for my cause if they could catch me. But I cannot die until I finished telling my story. I am the Narrator.

ShortsGary Buffaloe